Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Son of a Gun and Jules little Mint..

Captured for crate time!!
Our newest addition'(s) have arrived from Georgia...These 2 pups are grand babies of our lines. We were privileged to have sold K9znewe"Gunner" (Sweep x Jesse) to Matt Cook in Georgia. These pups are out of Matt's good bitch Jules and sired by Gunner. When Matt told us of the new litter we had to have them. This is a repeat breeding  of our little Kori. Kori is very keen, has a great temperament and has been a lot of fun to raise. We are really happy to have had a shot at getting these cute little one's. For now we are calling the little girl "Mint" she was brought over for someone else (HOWEVER...I am hoping I can keep her!) Name still pending on our boy!!!
Our Boy!! 

The two-some!!!


  1. Love them! Your flowers don't stand a chance, but I think that the fountain might be strong enough to hold up, though. What a fun time for you guys!

  2. Love the pups!! Always fun.

