Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Thank EwE Soldier Hollow

As we meander over to Meeker its a great time to reflect. The reflection brings fond memories of good times, good friend, good sheep, good camping, and great weather!

The trial course is not easy, but a fair challenge for all that are running. The sheep were extremely even but more settled early in the morning. The set out crew was flawless!
A quick recap of the runs...
Lane.. First run..
Outrun was tight.. Sheep were forgiving. He settled them good on the fetch. I overworked the sheep at the fetch panel causing them to lose trust in lane. Around the post the sheep were no longer settled.
The drive.. (Ummm I mean the catch) the robust fit ewes bolted up the drive the more we flanked the more they ran. Lane was clearly not sure how to handle the catch and release program. He had barely any brakes. We made it through the ragged drive ( lines ? Huh?) back to the shed which was fine .. We held the rope at the gate! Score .. No good! Could have been a decent run with drive points..we left the judge no option!
Lane 2..
Better.. There's my dog! He knew what he was up against and opened his mind for help!
We had a nice go around no running, good stopping, and all ears! 65 no pen.. Ok we weren't too far off! Pleased!
Soot 1.. Runs previous to us were struggling. Most dying out at the post. All the sudden the sheep had become pigs. Heat was soaring at high noon and the sheep didn't want to play.
We had a great start, good first drive, turned the corner and the sheep decided they weren't leaving the shade.. Damn bitches.
200 yard cross drive backward shoving, shifting, shading, they just sucked!
Shed ring 45 seconds call in on head for a cracker of a shed.. To not be called.. Sigh oh well.. It was one of those "fuck it" moments!
Soot 2.. Another solid go.. A leader with the will to escape.. Oh joy!
Soot tucked her and caught and tucked her and tucked her.
The final straw.. 5 ft from shedding ring she bolts for the exhaust.. Soot covers but jumps up to teach her a lesson... Yep.. Dq. I wanted to cry..likely the run good enough to advance.. But the dream ended quickly!
That's dog trialing.. Sigh
The trial was an overall great time except the grip that wasn't good!
The energy of trialers was high and competitive. The thousands of spectators are so friendly!
The "fair" portion of the trial was busy! We witnessed out first real "dog and pony" show.. Umm probably our last but I had to see the basketball playing pony!
Mark Peterson has gone above and beyond to put on a first class event, from the air conditioned hospitality room for trialers filled with cold water, beer, soda, snacks and tables and chairs! To a private bathroom for us ( no porta potty) ! Handlers chatting amongst each other on the balcony overlooking the field while sitting under umbrellas! Awesome!

The banquet .. Oh my gawd the banquet.. Prime rib, salad, garlic mashed.. Need I say more.. We over ate.. It was divine! We were all awarded jackets and run orders drawn for the big day! It was fun to share in the elites excitement!
It's all just so damn fun! Ron and I hope to be invited back again.
Thank you Mark Peterson, Deena Peterson, Howard Peterson, set out, judge, and all the rest of the folks that made us feel so special!!

Congrats to Allen Mills and Sis! The winner of the double lift finals! We were so proud to see that American flag raised!!!

Now onto Meeker.. Where I will once again start slaying butterflies!
Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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