Tuesday, March 11, 2014

What's up with EwE'rs

I know it's been since January since I have blabbed ( I mean blogged).. so I thought I would mention what's been going on around Canines N Ewe. (Not that anyone gives a shit) but I do..

Hmmm..shall we go back to September?

Let's see we spent the summer traveling the west..Soldier hollow and Meeker.

In a nutshell...it was a bad move; dog trials were great..drama..yes..social network was a dis service.

The lynch mobs had fun with me..at my expense..however skin thick as leather..we move forward..there is no shame in this kennel.

January.. The closing of snowbirds..trial was amazing, many attempts to derail us..to no avail it went without a hitch

The blowing of Ron's truck engine...$14,000.00 later back on the road and sexy as ever..

February..Lambing...with minimal loss (everyone that has ever lambed knows every minute is critical) Mother Nature was kind to us this time..she slaughtered us last year.

My grandma died..that pretty much sucks..but the gold at the end of the rainbow is this guy .Meet NACHO

After the funeral we returned a cooler to a friend of the family..There was this mini draft horse...(Stormy at the time) Nacho now. I fell in love with this guy.. and damn it he needed a home!

Nacho is now being trained to pull a cart...we love the new addition to the ranch..this little man is a fire cracker...never a dull moment when playing wit Nacho! Stay tuned for Nacho and his border collie hauling buckboard...

March..Starts out like a lion...Ron tears a muscle in his back...flat out for 2 weeks...off to a dog trial come hell or high water.

Purchase of the New guy.."Cord" ..don't let him fool you he is evil..

Off to Arizona for a new dog trial....WONDERFUL time..Soot won the Open..Chip and Plaid acted like they had never been trained..sigh..Nursery dogs.Ron and Sly had a decent finish

The screening of the "show"...what show you ask...SHEAR MADNESS..Nat Geo wild has done a show..a REAL SHOW about a friend of ours. Natalie owns Lacey..(Sweep x Jesse) and lacey helps her with her long wool fiber flock of 200 sheep. I filmed an episode helping with...yes of course the dogs..anyhow critics in this business think there is drama, there is hollywood...the reality is there is nothing but reality. Yes she wears dresses when shearing who cares? Have you ever sheared a sheep? my clothes are the least of my worries...they say there is drama..well have you ever had a sheep disease on $2000.00 ewe's you just purchased? (well no we don't purchase $2000 ewes)..anyhow...the show is all real, Natalie Redding of Namaste Farms is nothing but real. Jealous woman watch and criticize as this 50 + bombshell shows people the ropes on her sheep farm. She has 5 children and a delightful husband Sean..who keeps the home fires burning when Natalie is too involved in the sheep. Border Collies are new to Nat and she has taken to them as a natural. Please watch the show it's amazing...Nat Geo Wild on Saturday nights at 10:00 with Encore screenings on Wednedays! This show will make you smile, frown, cringe and laugh..just think you will see me too real soon!

I guess that's it in a nutshell on the happenings of Canines N Ewe..

Happy Herding.

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