Monday, April 11, 2011

The "Tails of Three sheep, well two, well one...

Came home from work, hit the door changed clothes decided I will work pups in the barnyard. Lots of nooks and cranny's for the little people to work through. Pulled out dorper yearlings who have experience with dogs but don't coming running at the point of balance, the pups have "to find it"! Take pearl out, everything was effortless, I thought "Huh, that went well, might I try a second!" Out he comes, into the barnyard, he inspects every pen, never taking notice there are 3 sheep waiting to be harassed...Oh these he figures out. Well around and around we go. That all goes good until he starts working the adjoining pen...I take him by the collar to show him the sheep he is supposed to be working. "Oh, Yeah" he says and off again...down to two down to one (chasing singles) a single hits the gate going out of the barnyard with pup on his ass. Dog and sheep manage to escape the barnyard into the homestead...Handler/Trainer stuck behind a jammed gate cannot get out...Thank god the pup is biddable enough for me to call his name and he came running after a few spins around the house. Stress Meter...HIGH!! Now to fix the gate before Ron gets home ..I got it done, but decided to hang it up for the day!! (Do you think the dog and the sheep knew they would lock me in)!!! I think so!