Friday, April 29, 2011
Date night...does it get any better than this....??? Nope I don't think so!
Hustle and bustle..that's our middle names...Ron and I both work full time jobs, and have a full time job at home taking of things on the ranch. We run 100 head of sheep and a full kennel of working border collies (as most of you know). I teach class on Wed. and Sat. just to make a FULL rounded schedule. I put a 5 star meal on the table most nights..BUT ONCE IN A WHILE.....we have DATE NIGHT!! We live a long way from civilization and since I commute 90 miles round trip every day to work, it's a rare occasion to get me off the mountain on a weekend!! Ron and I both really enjoy country music, in fact that is the only music in our opinion, it fits our country lifestyle!! We enjoy seeing country music concerts in small venue form. With the exception to our trip to Las Vegas to see George Strait (my all time favorite) and Reba McEntire..we usually stray away from the big stuff. Last month we enjoyed Uncle Kracker, and Sat. night we will see Billy Currington. (Small venue's for us are the Casino concerts..around 200 people). We think it's really important to get off the ranch once in a while, catch up on our love life as we know it..and just hang out together and have a good time! We are fortunate to still want to do things with each other, and value this time alone very much!! I look forward to tomorrow night spending some quality time with my baby!! !
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Don't say goodbye...We'll see ya down the road...(much better)
Often times people come into our lives and we are forever changed. Ron and I have been so blessed since the day we met Lisbeth and Linda (Aka: The Wandercrones). Every year Lis and Linda come and spend a substantial amount of time at our place, in their rig with all the K9 kids in tow. Linda and Lisbeth are always someone we look forward to visiting with. This year we were so fortunate that they came back after a lengthy trip to San Felipe Mexico. They returned to the states and decided to pay us a visit. Unfortunately is was only a week and the time together flew by. I mean really how many friends do you know that just jump in and help out. I was late last week returning from town appointments and got out of the car and low and behold, there is Linda returning from the barnyard, to say "all the chores are done" all your dogs are walked and exercised. I mean who does this??? Linda and Lisbeth do....Thank you Linda and Lisbeth for becoming such special friends to Ron and I..you are always welcome on the homestead...and WE'LL SEE YOU DOWN THE ROAD..safe travels!
Friday, April 22, 2011
"HOPPY" EASTER !!! (no it's not a typo)
Thursday, April 21, 2011
To STEER or Not to STEER..Opening your flanks a very important piece of the puzzle!
Kori (4 month old pup) |
Callie |
Saturday, April 16, 2011
And .....THEN there WERE TWO...(gobble gobble)
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
It's a busy evening and a beautiful morning... and a good little big girl!
We had been asked if our Niece Sydney could come spend the day (she loves the ranch from sheep to bugs to dogs...you name it she loves it!) I proposed to my sis in law why doesn't she just come stay the night and you can get her the next day or I can bring her to town in 2 days. All is good we have agreed Sydney will come to spend the NIGHT or 2 nights. Sydney was packed for 2 nights but she was sure she on;y stays away from home 1 night. (Mind you it's been a long time since we have had a little one on the ranch). Uncle Ron and I decided we would make her her favorite dinner (Ribs and baked beans) we would make the lamb cake for her to decorate, we would do cookie cutters so she could decorate cookies to go around the lamb cake. As we closed in on the date I thought well she would love to catch the tadpoles at the pond so grandpa went and bought her a new net and a bug catcher. Tues afternoon closed in as I waited for my little person to show. She arrived at the office about 2:30 and pleasantly surprised with her new "bug equipment"! We loaded up and teary eyed she said good bye to mom clutching her stuffed animal "ashley" the dog that she crought along for the comforts of home. Off we went in the green bean. chatting non stop on the way home about butterflies, deer, sheep and dogs! She was excited to see Uncle Ron and the new steer "Angus" although she really couldn't wait to see LEO the turkey!! We hit the door running, shoes needed changing as she arrived in a ruby slipper looking flip flop. She assured me on the drive up those would not be the appropriate shoes for the ranch that she had boots and tennis shoes on board! When we got here she questioned whether uncle Ron would be here and how long it would be til he got here...(and Ron got held a bit later than planned) . So we killed time checking on Leo the turkey and Angus the steer we talked about how Angus would become steaks in July...Still NO RON..."Auntie Jenn how far is he from here...you should send him a text that says WHERE ARE YOU" she awaiting the hike to the pond to find the tadpoles. So I said well we can just leave witout him and he can catch up!! It wasn't long after we got there that Ron was there!!
Came home from the pond with all the dogs in tow to the barn she fed everything that ate food she could lift...a great barn mate. She collected 10 eggs from the coop and was just having the time of her life. Came in made the ribs, and made the cookies..(A little melt down and tears from homesick I think)I never said a word, and she quickly got over it. Colored pencils in hand drawing coming out of the gallery went straight to the fridge, She had a blast decorating the cake we made and the cookies she cut!! Ready t tucvk it in for the night we "conned" PLEASE CALLIE PLEASE CALLIE STAY STAY STAY in bed with the little one she wanted callie in the bed so bad (Callie has never slept in a bed)!
Woke this morning she was up and chipper by 7:0 am. wanted cereal with NO MILK for breakfast and hot chocolate (Yea Auntie scrambled to find hot cocoa in the cupboard) (Ron and I just don't eat this stuff!!) Took her to the barn after her shower, she just putted around while I did some intense sorthing. Then we could work some dogs. We worked pearl and Suede and well that was productive but the dogs weren't sure about the little person!! The lessons started and for 5 hours she was a trooper, never complained, nothing just hung around chatting with the ladies, had her colored pencils to make drawings of the dogs and the sheep she was AWESOME. "Sydney your mom just called do you want to stay or go?"...I want to go she says but I hope I can stay for the day.I tell sis-in law just come about 3:00 we will be good by then! I promised Sydney after the last student (1:00-2:00) we could go to the pond. We get done and she is chomping at the bit to go, so we come down to the kennel get a dog leaving underway, say good bye to the dog, let callie out to go, and LOW AND BEHOLD who shows early?? MOM... Sydney says "MOM YOU ARE EARLY" Melanie says well yes your sister wanted to come and play too..Syd is crushed and she asks her mom well are you going to hike to the pond? (Mom says of course) So off we go to return the tadpoles we had and pick up a few fresh ones to take home. So we do that for a while and leaving the pond Sydney catches a little green frog in the bug catcher) (We have been waiting for this moment)!! All is good, the girls hang out for 3 or so hours in fact were still here when Uncle Ron got home. Sydney was so excited to show him her new friend the frog!! So time is waning we have to get to chores and Melanie needs to get back down the hill (about an hour drive) so in the house to gather "the things". To the car, cake in tow, frog in tow, tadpoles in tow. Sydney is crying away doesn't want to go...we give hugs and say well you could have stayed longer, "I KNOW " she says!! we give her hugs and love and she knows she is welcome anytime!! We will re-coup from the adventure and welcome that baby girl back anytime she wants. We love that baby 7 year old!! What abig girl first time here without mom and dad...and never complained a bit!!
Came home from the pond with all the dogs in tow to the barn she fed everything that ate food she could lift...a great barn mate. She collected 10 eggs from the coop and was just having the time of her life. Came in made the ribs, and made the cookies..(A little melt down and tears from homesick I think)I never said a word, and she quickly got over it. Colored pencils in hand drawing coming out of the gallery went straight to the fridge, She had a blast decorating the cake we made and the cookies she cut!! Ready t tucvk it in for the night we "conned" PLEASE CALLIE PLEASE CALLIE STAY STAY STAY in bed with the little one she wanted callie in the bed so bad (Callie has never slept in a bed)!
Woke this morning she was up and chipper by 7:0 am. wanted cereal with NO MILK for breakfast and hot chocolate (Yea Auntie scrambled to find hot cocoa in the cupboard) (Ron and I just don't eat this stuff!!) Took her to the barn after her shower, she just putted around while I did some intense sorthing. Then we could work some dogs. We worked pearl and Suede and well that was productive but the dogs weren't sure about the little person!! The lessons started and for 5 hours she was a trooper, never complained, nothing just hung around chatting with the ladies, had her colored pencils to make drawings of the dogs and the sheep she was AWESOME. "Sydney your mom just called do you want to stay or go?"...I want to go she says but I hope I can stay for the day.I tell sis-in law just come about 3:00 we will be good by then! I promised Sydney after the last student (1:00-2:00) we could go to the pond. We get done and she is chomping at the bit to go, so we come down to the kennel get a dog leaving underway, say good bye to the dog, let callie out to go, and LOW AND BEHOLD who shows early?? MOM... Sydney says "MOM YOU ARE EARLY" Melanie says well yes your sister wanted to come and play too..Syd is crushed and she asks her mom well are you going to hike to the pond? (Mom says of course) So off we go to return the tadpoles we had and pick up a few fresh ones to take home. So we do that for a while and leaving the pond Sydney catches a little green frog in the bug catcher) (We have been waiting for this moment)!! All is good, the girls hang out for 3 or so hours in fact were still here when Uncle Ron got home. Sydney was so excited to show him her new friend the frog!! So time is waning we have to get to chores and Melanie needs to get back down the hill (about an hour drive) so in the house to gather "the things". To the car, cake in tow, frog in tow, tadpoles in tow. Sydney is crying away doesn't want to go...we give hugs and say well you could have stayed longer, "I KNOW " she says!! we give her hugs and love and she knows she is welcome anytime!! We will re-coup from the adventure and welcome that baby girl back anytime she wants. We love that baby 7 year old!! What abig girl first time here without mom and dad...and never complained a bit!!
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Thank EWE for the opportunity
Jennifer Clark-Ewers
Jennifer Clark-Ewers has been involved with border collies since 1992. Together with her husband, Ron, she lives in Campo, California, and trains dogs to work stock at their Canines N’ Ewe facility. They host the challenging On-the Border Sheepdog Trial annually right around New Year’s Eve, and Jennifer was one of the judges of last year’s National Sheepdog Finals in Virginia. In addition, Jennifer was Reserve National Champion in the Nursery in 2001 and 2008. More recently, this past February, Jennifer and her young bitch Soot were the Open Overall winners at the Zamora Hills Sheepdog Trial.Monday, April 11, 2011
The "Tails of Three sheep, well two, well one...
Came home from work, hit the door changed clothes decided I will work pups in the barnyard. Lots of nooks and cranny's for the little people to work through. Pulled out dorper yearlings who have experience with dogs but don't coming running at the point of balance, the pups have "to find it"! Take pearl out, everything was effortless, I thought "Huh, that went well, might I try a second!" Out he comes, into the barnyard, he inspects every pen, never taking notice there are 3 sheep waiting to be harassed...Oh these he figures out. Well around and around we go. That all goes good until he starts working the adjoining pen...I take him by the collar to show him the sheep he is supposed to be working. "Oh, Yeah" he says and off again...down to two down to one (chasing singles) a single hits the gate going out of the barnyard with pup on his ass. Dog and sheep manage to escape the barnyard into the homestead...Handler/Trainer stuck behind a jammed gate cannot get out...Thank god the pup is biddable enough for me to call his name and he came running after a few spins around the house. Stress Meter...HIGH!! Now to fix the gate before Ron gets home ..I got it done, but decided to hang it up for the day!! (Do you think the dog and the sheep knew they would lock me in)!!! I think so!
The french fries...
When I was in Virginia this past summer judging the National Sheepdog Finals I went to DC site seeing with a fellow judge and a couple of friends. Haley Howard, Lisa Swift, and myself were treated to lunch at the DC Cafe by Matt Cook. When were there having lunch we encountered "the french fries"!!!! I would never view french fries the same again!!
Last night I recreated "the french fries". Ron stripe peeled fresh potatoes, sliced them thin and deep fried. When they are done to a golden brown take out, blot with a paper towel. Place hot fries in bowl toss with fresh finely chopped parsley, garlic and Parmesan cheese!! You will never look at a french fry the same again!!!
Last night I recreated "the french fries". Ron stripe peeled fresh potatoes, sliced them thin and deep fried. When they are done to a golden brown take out, blot with a paper towel. Place hot fries in bowl toss with fresh finely chopped parsley, garlic and Parmesan cheese!! You will never look at a french fry the same again!!!
trying to figure this out....
Our ranch hand Leon has taken a month long vacation to New Mexico. We are running the ranch right now and it is wonderful. Ron and I have so much fun hanging out at the barn, feeding and having a beer. We enjoy each others company!!
Hmmmm...Blogging our everday life on the ranch could be interesting.
My husband Ron and I have a beautiful ranch where we train our working border collies in Campo, California!! Over the past few months we have decided to raise and butcher our own meat. We have recently acquired a turkey, a steer, and have cornish hens on the way. We are excited about our new living off the land campaign!! We have a nice vegetable garden planted (provided it survived the cold snap last night)!!!
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