Thursday, February 21, 2013

Perhaps "Phil" is a liar..

Last week spring was in the air...70 degree temps..grass coming up in abundance...

This week...well..not so much

Good morning!
Some of us were more amused than others
Snow...let's be puppies!
Wilbur pig decided to hunker down
I felt guilty doing this..

So I thought I'd try this

Hiking up a steep hill on 4 paws is much easier than 2 muck boots!We need a sled!

The dogs thoroughly enjoyed their hike
C'mon Mom don't sit down let's go! (Berri)
Alright alright
Soot way in the back debating on whether to stay on the hike or not (she hates hiking)
I suppose Soot would rather be back here
Luxurious kennels for daytime loafing!
Josie would rather be here..
5 month old Josie..enjoying play time in the winter wonderland

I admit it is very beautiful BUT..

At the end of the day I much preferred to be here
